Friday, November 10, 2006

The Agreement of Cooperation signed between ZJGSU and Universidad de Viña del Mar

Mr.Barham Madain Ayub,President of Universidad Vina del Mar in Chile, and Madam Isabel Dahadal visited ZJGSU on December.8, 2006. Prof.HU Zuguang, President of Zhejiang Gongshang University, cordially met with the guests on Xiasha Campus and gave them a warm reception.On behalf of ZJGSU, President HU Zuguang signed the Agreement of Cooperation with President Barham Madain Ayub and conducted a negotiation with him on students and faculty exchange programs in the presence of Professor Wang Guo-An (Andrew).Vice Director of International Affairs Office. Since last July, We have hosted a number of presidents and administrators from overseas universities in the Philippines, Bangladesh, the UK ,Thailand and Chile, received seven delegations of foreign students and faculty members in the Spoken English Promotion Project(SEPP) on our campus and signed the Agreements of Cooperation with 11 overseas universities or educative research institutes.

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