Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Estudiantes Pre Seleccionados: Para vuestra información!

Chilean students: For your information!

Angela is professor's Andrew (from the University in China) assistant. Meredith Denton will contact her this coming Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. to make an appointment regarding the interviews at MSN
E-mail sent by Meredith Denton to Angela:
"Dear Angela, Hi! My name is Meredith Denton and I am the International Student Coordinator here at the University of Viña del Mar. I am excited about the upcoming visit to China. We are all excited here at the International Office. As you know by now, we have been having problems with the Internet here at the International Office so that is why I am writing you from my personal e-mail account. I would like to set up a time to talk with you personally about the Interview with the Chilean students. I will be in the International Office and would be willing to give you a call tomorrow at 9:00am Chile time. Just let me know if this is a good time for you. Thanks and I look forward to talking with you soon.
Meredith Denton
International Student Coordinator - UVM"

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